
This is a list of all the significant updates that has been made to the website, sorted from newest to oldest.

Website: The 2024 awards are here!

As you might know, December and January were really busy months for me. That's the reason there was no "goodbye 2024" update, but here we are with the awards!

Before we begin, as always, I want to say thank you to everyone here, whether you actively participate in the community or just silently use the website for your own things. You are all part of this community and I'm thankful for that.

Just like last year, the following are automatically calculated. I excluded myself from the calculations to make things fair, but apart from that, I had no say in who gets which award.
The number one of each category will get an exclusive badge!

Let's do this.

badge_award_comments Most comments
The first award goes to the person who sent the largest number of comments during the year! And this user is... @desklamp! An excellent yapper indeed.
  1. @desklamp (18271)
  2. @PICKELZ (12038)
  3. @DudeMan (11245)
  4. @Inksilver but Helluva (8894)
  5. @Jender (7148)

badge_award_comments_longest_thread Most active thread
This award goes to the user who managed to get the longest thread under one of their comments, not including their own messages. And this one goes to @PICKELZ! How did you guys even manage to load that thread?
  1. @PICKELZ (5044)
  2. @Inksilver but Helluva (2106)
  3. @desklamp (1131)
  4. @Jender (599)
  5. @valais (376)

badge_award_reactions_received Most reactions received (NEW)
This one is new! It goes to the author of the comment with the largest number of reactions attached to it. The lucky person is @...PAPYRUS???! You surely caught the attention of many.
  1. @...PAPYRUS??? (21)
  2. @The Watcher (not an octopus) (12)
  3. @The Lean Monster (12)
  4. @MAUS, Mimic and Final Judge of sprites. (10)
  5. @TheWaterReactor (10)

badge_award_reactions_sent Most reactions given (NEW)
And now let's give away one award for the user who sent the most reactions! The previous award wouldn't be possible without people like you. Thank you for reacting so much, @Broken!
  1. @Broken (1811)
  2. @Julia (1264)
  3. @desklamp (522)
  4. @Jender (378)
  5. @mehidko (362)

badge_award_comments_profile Most popular profile
This award is for the user who got the largest amount of threads (or single unique comments) inside their profile's comment section. Congrats, @pogtatodev, for having such an alive profile!
  1. @pogtatodev (354)
  2. @DudeMan (208)
  3. @Julia (205)
  4. @Smorge (182)
  5. @Jender (142)

badge_award_feedback Most resolved feedback (NEW)
Another new one! This time, this award goes to the one who posted the most feedback that eventually got resolved. Feedback is very important since it's the best way we have to keep track of issues and what the users want. Thanks for your collaboration, @desklamp!
  1. @desklamp (6)
  2. @Julia (2)
  3. @Broken (2)
  4. @Rulfam the keeper (1)
  5. @aggarwaldeepika647@google (1)

badge_award_wormsonas Most wormsonas made
I was considering skipping this award for this year since only one new wormsona was saved during the entirety of 2024. But hey, one is more than zero. Congratulations, @Ormalawayo!
  1. @Ormalawayo (1)

badge_award_undertale_creator Most Undertale characters created
This one should be obvious. Congratulations @Mysteriousman=Gaster for creating the largest amount of public Undertale characters during 2024! Keep it up!
  1. @Mysteriousman=Gaster (61)
  2. @jibvil (51)
  3. @FloweyTFlowey (49)
  4. @ShadPts (34)
  5. @Jesterbeetle (28)

badge_award_undertale_most_used Most used Undertale character
Unfortunately, we do not have the data to give this award away. It seems the logging system for text boxes has been broken for an entire year, and since nothing else depends on it, no one noticed. Again, we're sorry about this one.

badge_award_undertale_best_rating Most rated character
One of the nicest things to see on your created characters is lots of likes from other users. This award is for the character that got the most positive votes this year: Clover (CANON SERIES), created by @Coolerest!
  1. @Coolerest's Clover (CANON SERIES) (142)
  2. @DoobieDoddle's Ceroba+ (v1.5) [READ DESC.] (98)
  3. @violet111's Starlo (Undertale Yellow) (91)
  4. @GuyDuderson's Martlet (Undertale Yellow) (78)
  5. @KingPlague's Ceroba (71)

badge_award_undertale_comments Most popular Undertale content
This one is similar to the previous comment awards but for Undertale content! This one goes to @mel !!!! for getting the most comments on their characters' pages. Good job!
  1. @mel !!!!'s Damaged Flowey (73)
  2. @Clueless's Silly Cat (outdated) (44)
  3. @BetaAfton's Chara (Deltarune) (33)
  4. @UNDERLOVE's It’s just you, Frisk. (33)
  5. @jibvil's Sans You're Genocides (27)

badge_award_undertale_rater Most characters rated
Now let's do it the other way around. This award goes to the person who rated the most characters this past year. Congratulations, @kiritizias, and thank you for your honesty!
  1. @kiritizias (1522)
  2. @Red (1308)
  3. @Cooldude_Aced1234 (1151)
  4. @Silly Creature (635)
  5. @DoobieDoddle (518)

badge_award_undertale_importer Most Undertale characters imported
While we should thank creators for their hard work, we should also thank those who appreciate their work. And while rating is important, imports are... imports-tant? (kill me). This award, for importing the largest amount of characters created by others, goes to @santiago. I hope you're putting them to good use!
  1. @santiago (2666)
  2. @Cooldude_Aced1234 (1047)
  3. @Asriel_Dreemurr (1012)
  4. @Silly Creature (1005)
  5. @Razzmatazz04 (1001)

badge_award_undertale_most_imported Most imported character
This one is for the creator of the character that has been imported the most, which is Clover (CANON SERIES), created by @Coolerest! Congratulations!
  1. @Coolerest's Clover (CANON SERIES) (911)
  2. @violet111's Starlo (Undertale Yellow) (785)
  3. @GuyDuderson's Martlet (Undertale Yellow) (778)
  4. @KingPlague's Ceroba (679)
  5. @DoobieDoddle's Ceroba+ (v1.5) [READ DESC.] (629)

Closing thoughts

Congratulations to everyone who got an award, and to everyone in the top 5s too! I'm sorry that the awards have been given so late, but at least I got enough time to polish the badges a bit more.

Below is a list of minor changes introduced with this update. Nothing too crazy, but you might be interested.

Thank you so much for being here. See you at the end of the year!


Badges and awards

  • Added 2024 versions of the 2023 award badges.

  • The award badges are now colored with a gradient.

  • Added 4 new badges:

    • badge_award_feedback Resolved feedback award.

    • badge_award_reactions_sent Most reactions sent award.

    • badge_award_reactions_received Most reacted comment award.

    • badge_developer Developer.

  • Updated 7 badges:

    • badge_award_comments Most comments badges' text bubbles are now round.

    • badge_award_comments_longest_thread Most active thread badges are now tilted.

    • badge_award_comments_profile Most active profile badges look better in small sizes.

    • badge_its_me The "it's me!" badge has received the same treatment, plus a slight color adjustment.

    • badge_award_undertale_most_imported Most imported character badges now show a sparkling bookmark.

    • badge_award_undertale_importer Character importer badges now show multiple bookmarks.

    • badge_award_undertale_creator Number 1 character creator badges now contain a heart and a hammer.

Bugfixes and tweaks

  • Disabled the Patreon banner while we work on a better and less annoying one.

  • Lots of internal improvements to the email system.

  • The layout settings on the gallery lists (explore, generators, etc.) are now preserved if logged in.

  • Added DDOS prevention measures.

  • All errors are now logged.

  • "Unauthorized" errors will now give you the option to log in.

  • All themes now have proper parallax.

  • The background of the rainbow theme has been darkened and brighter floating cubes have been added.

  • Hotfix: profiles of users with no display role throw an error.

  • Hotfix: comments on feedback won't load for guests.

  • Hotfix: display role can't be changed.

  • Bugfix: you can block and befriend the system account.

  • Bugfix: an excessive amount of emoji can make the site give up completely while loading them.

  • Bugfix: the mobile menu shows a scrollbar when it shouldn't.

  • Bugfix: usernames are not always correctly capitalized in user profiles.

  • Bugfix: the comments button on the menu does not show the notification circle when there are new comments.

  • Bugfix: comment search is case sensitive.

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