Profile of Still Alive

Still Alive


Award: reactor 2024


"Y'know, I really didn't think we'd be back here."

"I fully intended to disappear for good, but here I am."

"Things haven't been going well for us."

"We're barely holding on."

"At this point, nothing can make our life more of a mess than it already is."

"We're trying everything to find some way to recover."

"But, being completely honest... I don't think it's possible."

"And, even if it is..."

"We've got One Shot at this."

"We probably won't be particularly active."

"After all, this place is still a mess."

"But it's not as much of a mess as what our life has become, so it's worth a shot."

"We're trying anything to give ourselves another chance to recover."

*There's a pause. The people walk off, their speech seemingly complete. Just before they completely disappear from view, one of them speaks up.*

"Wait a second."

"I just realised we never actually introduced ourselves."

"That's important, we should've done that first."

"Well, at least someone remembered."

"Alright then, introduction time."

"I'm Mathematica. It's not my actual name, but it's what I go by online. I'm the actual user behind this account."

"The person behind the screen."


*This figure, who looks similar to Mathematica, but is more purple (and is floating), points at him.* "And I'm part of him. I represent a very specific part of his personality."

"A part that I'm not exactly proud of."

"But that you can't get rid of, because I'm still fundamentally part of you."

"Hence why we look so similar."

"I have no clue why I'm purple, though."

"And I'm Chara. If you're familiar with UNDERTALE, you'll already have some idea of who I am."

*This figure, who looks similar to Chara, but with darker colours (and floating again), points at them.* "And I'm part of them, just like he's" *The figure points at the part of Mathematica.* "Part of him." *The figure points at Mathematica.*

"And I'm Paige Turner. I'm an author, and his" *She points at Mathematica.* "first, and (for now) only, true OC."

*This figure, who looks similar to Paige, but slightly darker and more purple (and also floating), points at her.* "And I'm part of her. I think you get the idea."

"And you?" *The part of Chara points at the mysterious horned figure in the background.*

"I'm literally the devil. I'm only here because I have a deal with them." *The horned figure points at Chara.*


"Alright, I think that's actually everything now."

"Tell us if we missed anything, and we'll be ready to clarify."

"Or if you want to do some role-play, feel free to ask."

"We probably won't all be there in either of those cases, and responses may take a while, but we'll do what we can."

"See you soon!"

*Their speech truly complete, the figures leave for real.*

Before I conclude this bio, I should probably leave some notes as the account holder.

My pronouns are he/him.

I'm always up for role-play, of... Really any kind (bound by the site rules, of course), although I may not always respond quickly for reasons mentioned above.

Of course, as always, this bio is prone to change.

Additionally, here's a link to The ancient Q&A I did. It's still operational. That is, if anyone has any questions.

Oh, and a link to the start of the "dream chain battle assembly." As for what that is... You'll understand when you see it. Take a look!
And here's Battle 2 of the chain. It's linked at the end of battle 1, but this allows for easier access.
Also Battle 3 is here. It isn't linked to yet, so this link is pretty important.

Then there's this. Don't ask. You will not get an answer.

"Oh yeah. And I'm Noelle."

"Snowgrave Noelle, to be exact."

"Huh? Y- Yes, I suppose so."

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