Profile of UndarMester



This bio is an archive of @pogtatodev (real)'s bio, but for some reason this construction sign is still here! And it'll be like that forever.

Well hey there, old friend!

Before you ask, no, this is not an official alt of smg1/KiwiKid. This is unofficial.

Yes, I did just take smg1’s pfp and added noise to it.

”My name? Kris, maybe.”
You see, the joke is that KiwiKid removed that part that made finding out what their actual name was difficult, just like I did here, as the name was previously saying "Caleb" instead of "Kris"

I have no knowledge of what kind of being I am or who I even am.

Look both ways before dying.

Cool song I made!

I absolutely adore making music.
I’m, like, half-good at art.
I WISH I could actually program.

Always up for a roleplay or two!

Gender: Eldritch god male

Pronouns: he/him, they/them, fi/sh (full set: he/him/his/his/himself, they/them/their/theirs/themself, fi/sh/ish/ish/shself)

i... fuck it, i'm saying it. i want to be a girl so fucking badly. i have no idea why (i contradict myself later here lmao), i just feel like i would be better off living as a girl. not only would i be living a dream, but i would also, like, actually fucking care about my body and do hygiene and shit, because i don't give a goddamn shit about my current male body.

i would just become trans, i really would, but i'm scared. not because of my parents, i'm sure they would be supportive of me (not too sure about my dad, he has used the cur-sed phrase "are you a girl" once or twice, but like... he's not actively like that, thankfully. just a stereotypical dad thing probably), i'm scared because of my school.

if, like, any of the 99% of the school i go to even came anywhere CLOSE to knowing that i even just WANTED to be a girl, they would fucking lose their minds.

now despite what it may seem, i really do not like getting a lot of attention, like, socially, i guess? like, "omg can i have your autograph" kind of attention. though not really, people just obsess over me for no fucking reason. like, for the people here that's completely fair, because i show my true colo(u)rs to people, unlike in real life where in school, i basically only talk, like, during lunch, and maybe for a few minutes during class.

TLDR for the above paragraph, not for the whole thing; i'm fine with attention online, but not irl.

so it may come as no surprise to you when i say i would also lose my mind, following their losing of their minds.

i wouldn't be able to handle it all. if anything, if i became trans i would just move schools at that point.

"well go for it girl" yeah sure, but like, this school is, like, actually good. not the students of course, about 90% of the students that talk a lot are people who somehow have the mentality of 8-year-olds, but like, at least 80% of the teachers are actually good. i wouldn't fully know because i haven't had experience with every single one of them yet, but like, i only remember, like, 1 teacher where i was (not literally ofc) sleeping through their classes. that was physics, by the way.

TLDR; i REALLY want to become a girl, because not only would i be living a dream, but i'd actually care about my body unlike now. however, if i did that, the majority of the school i go to would lose their minds, and i would follow soon after. i could move schools, yes, but the school i'm in, unlike their students, is actually good.

sigh... i think i got that all out now. i don't really mind if you skipped this part of the bio, but if you care about me, for whatever reason there may be, i suggest you read through this.

you may be wondering, "why did you add this to your bio?" "we already know you want to be a girl!"

well, my answer is that i wanted to get the more... detailed answer off of my chest. i wanted to say this to someone eventually, so i'm saying it to you guys, via my bio.

i'll probably find a way to make this part of my bio not as much in the way, probably'll make it into a comment or something, but as for now, it'll be here...

but enough blabbering. let us get back to the original bio!


“dude” is gender-neutral and you can’t convince me otherwise.

Shoutouts + Friends (in bold):

  • @OverMaster - if you know, you know
  • @UnderMaster - absolutely not my main

    • @UnderMasterAltList - I’m gonna go ahead and shoutout three of my personal favourite UM alts. also why does this guy have so many alts what the fu

      • @The-Wild-Express - honestly, i loved the idea of combining SMG4’s WOTFI 2023 (i think?) and The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog together. it’s kind of a childish idea, but it would’ve been cool. too bad it was so short-lived...

      • @ELU!Timelines - Even though they do nothing in the comments, this alt has a HUGE bio with all sorts of timelines, including UT and other games but with ELUDARNET characters! it’s pretty cool to think about what these timelines would be like

      • @MessagesThatNeverExisted - this one’s a pretty interesting idea. hopefully this one posts again soon... maybe UM’s just too lazy, i dunno.

  • @SMG1 - they were pretty cool back then, and they're LITERALLY the one who made ELUDARNET as a whole; ELUDARNET being where (almost) all RPs in Demi’s Hideout take place. however, they have evolved into something greater…

    • @Gnatt Gnert - the second coolest gal in the underground! too bad she’s not here often. also makes funny and super cool RPs, worth RPing with if it’s your first time!

  • @ooc submissions - there's no actual reason i'm shouting this out, i just have it here as a link to submit ooc messages lmao

  • @Mailbox_Demons - Very cool cosplayer and roleplayer! was pretty good at art, and they gave me an interest (which was, however, short-lived, especially since they left) in Inverted Fate, but is unfortunately gone and probably not coming back at this point. they were part of what might’ve been the best era of this website so far. we’ve gotten close, though…

  • @MAUS, Mimic and Final Judge of sprites. - IS A COOL DUDE! Also, very good roleplayer. gives a familiar vibe though…

  • @Sanstheskeleton96 - fun to RP with, can make some banger RPs sometimes! unfortunately, they’re next to not active at all nowadays.

  • @YourNightlyDesires¹³⁺ - I doubt the mention works. also don’t ask why the grammar is so inconsistent, idk either.

  • @Goofbread - cool person, makes cool art. now that may not sound like much but i tell ya, this person has to be in my top 5 at least

  • @𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 - cool person, made me regain an interest in DDLC (bro bugged me about this three times now so now i’m crossing it out lol), is basically a reincarnation (i say reincarnation because the two are very different but give off a similar vibe) of @Mailbox_Demons, and even shouted out me. quite possibly the third coolest guy in the underground.

  • @[BIG SHOT] - either he’s tied with Director_Phobos, or he’s the fourth coolest guy in the underground, though a very close fourth. he occasionally makes textbox stacks that have some clever comedy sometimes! plus, his characters are very memorable and their associated textbox sprites are fun to mess with.

  • @Unpleasant Gradient - A good relic from the past, present, and probably future. i have a good time when they’re on, to be honest. probably tied with @Goofbread, idk

  • @PICKELZ - seems to be a pretty good roleplayer, and likes using textboxes. i think he’s pretty fun to be around. nothing much else to talk about them, haha.

  • @Steve the Guide - pretty cool spriter! also a based OMORI fan. not much else i can say lol, i just think they’re cool
  • @tobiastoys - classic legacy user! essentially started ELUDARNET before it became a thing, haha.
  • @MoldyMyles - not much to say about them, they haven’t touched the website that much, or in a while. also, based OMORI fan.
  • @☆ Kat ☆ - very nice person! plus, pretty neat sprites.
  • @Salad Saiyan - yes.
  • @Andy's Little Femboy - (probably a bit more than) a friend of @womp womp , who is here in this bio too!
  • @cat - DudeMann is certainly a being.
  • @smg1.5 + lebron james - i literally cannot form an opinion on this man. is he a bad guy? well, he's most certainly not trying to be. is he good? i guess?? why else would i have him in the shoutouts?

  • @Shadow the Hedgehog - honestly? this user's lowkey kind of based. is basically their own version of Shadow, and i absolutely love the aggressive kindness! cool dude, UNLIKE ANOTHER USE--

  • @SwitchFlip - horny

  • (need more)(actually maybe i don’t need more)

@THE ULTIMATE SHOUTOUT LIST - if you want to see the whole list of honest shoutouts, then take a look at this!

Honorable mentions:
cooldude - though can make some fun RPs, is ironically the least coolest dude in this website. despite this, i still don’t think of them as my enemy or something.
DEADMAN68687 - he’s not necessarily as bad as cooldude99, but he’s not as interesting besides a few things, no offence. still nice to have around though, i guess. and anyways, it’s better to have someone than to have no one, am i right lads, or am i right lads?
andonuts (formerly AndyIsAnUndertaleFan) - so i guess he's just... back to being a good guy again?? i'm not sure whether to put him on the shoutouts because of the several controversies, but i know for sure he'll be above cooldude for @THE ULTIMATE SHOUTOUT LIST.

Anti-shoutouts(idea stolen from @Unpleasant Gradient):

  • cooldude99_2 - using alts to get around blocks is NOT cool. like, what the fuck.

  • jaidenxjosh - if you know, you fucking know.

  • Furryassassinator/SJ - i wish i didn't have to see this happen in front of my eyes. but i suppose it was eventually gonna happen. i guess, it was inevitable... but at least, it's over.

Leave a comment down below! Or don’t. It’s your choice.

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(Copyright SlightlyMadGay1.5 Productions)

(Not yet a real copyright)

(Also not what smg1.5 stands for)

(reminder that @Shayy's birthday is on May 27th)

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