Profile of OverMaster
I am one with the Mailbox_Demons bio editing now. Bio edits ever since I put that statement in: 3 now because kiwi.
My name is Josh, but you can also call me Josh. Don't ask, you just can. I roleplay as a weird fruit-human combination called Kiwi Kid (Just Kiwi for short) who does things. Cool, right?
I don’t think I need to explain how I’m an UT/DT fan, lol. I will say I’m also a YuB, Peter Knetter, Sonic, Mario, Pizza Tower, Kirby, and an EarthBound fan. AND a slight FNF fan. Or... ex-fan, I guess? I don't know.
I like the color blue. Also the “color” black. I don't care that it's called a shade. Also the correct spelling of “color” is color, not “colour,” you fucking brit. i actually love british people so don’t take that personally
Oh yeah, I’m bi(meaning I'm [potentially] interested in anyone of any sex romantically or sexually). Why? Well, why not? Also, why, if i’m not an asexual, do i have the asexual flag in my profile picture? For continuity purposes. I really like when things are consistent. If those things aren’t bad things I don’t like, that is.
I learn stuff at High School, and I am extremely behind almost all of my classes. Like, the only ones I do well in at all are the ones i really like.
Oh yeah, here’s my alt counter: 2 (technically now it’s 3)
I may or may not have some gender dysphoria. I really wanna be a girl for some odd reason.
I obviously use other platforms, like Scratch(lipizzan123), YouTube(Kiwi Kid/@notanorange), Steam(spicymemegenerator1), and etc. I started working on a LinkTree a little while ago but gave up halfway through. Also my IP address is 42.06.969.420. (NOT TRUE BY THE WAY)
I’m somewhat good at pixel art.
I dislike horror with jumpscares, so I guess I like psychological horror games?
If it isn't obvious enough, I'm definitely not one of the few beta testers who have access to the (probably outdated atm) beta version of this website. I know, nobody cares.
Here’s a website I made a while back but had to delete the original github repository for and now can’t edit at all
it’s me, kiwi
My name is Josh, but you can also call me Josh. Don't ask, you just can. I roleplay as a weird fruit-human combination called Kiwi Kid (Just Kiwi for short) who does things. Cool, right?
I don’t think I need to explain how I’m an UT/DT fan, lol. I will say I’m also a YuB, Peter Knetter, Sonic, Mario, Pizza Tower, Kirby, and an EarthBound fan. AND a slight FNF fan. Or... ex-fan, I guess? I don't know.
I like the color blue. Also the “color” black. I don't care that it's called a shade. Also the correct spelling of “color” is color, not “colour,” you fucking brit. i actually love british people so don’t take that personally
Oh yeah, I’m bi(meaning I'm [potentially] interested in anyone of any sex romantically or sexually). Why? Well, why not? Also, why, if i’m not an asexual, do i have the asexual flag in my profile picture? For continuity purposes. I really like when things are consistent. If those things aren’t bad things I don’t like, that is.
I learn stuff at High School, and I am extremely behind almost all of my classes. Like, the only ones I do well in at all are the ones i really like.
Oh yeah, here’s my alt counter: 2 (technically now it’s 3)
I may or may not have some gender dysphoria. I really wanna be a girl for some odd reason.
I obviously use other platforms, like Scratch(lipizzan123), YouTube(Kiwi Kid/@notanorange), Steam(spicymemegenerator1), and etc. I started working on a LinkTree a little while ago but gave up halfway through. Also my IP address is 42.06.969.420. (NOT TRUE BY THE WAY)
I’m somewhat good at pixel art.
I dislike horror with jumpscares, so I guess I like psychological horror games?
If it isn't obvious enough, I'm definitely not one of the few beta testers who have access to the (probably outdated atm) beta version of this website. I know, nobody cares.
Here’s a website I made a while back but had to delete the original github repository for and now can’t edit at all
it’s me, kiwi