This account is dedicated to showcasing the different alternate timelines of ELUDARNET or different timelines that are linked to ELUDARNET of UT, DT and/or other games.
yes this was made by undermaster
The list starts now.
BestOutcome!ELUDARNET: An alternate timeline of the ELUDARNET timeline where pretty much everything is perfect. UnderMaster in this timeline is female, of course.
ELUDARSWAP: Where UnderMaster and Ralsei swap, including Melody and Fell, KiwiKid and Spamton, and a few others.
UnderMaster - Ralsei
Melody - Fell
KiwiKid/smg1 - Spamton
RIOT - Jawbreaker
cooldude99 - Prototype
Kitsu - Witchbrew
Sans - take a fucking guess.
Kris - Susie
Noelle - Berdly
Mailbox_Demons (Reece) - Papytron
Demirramon - Kean
IF!ELUDARNET: A timeline created by IF!UnderMaster to protect him and others from IF!Asriel. Other than UnderMaster and Melody, a few others have swapped fates, similarly to how ELUDARSWAP swapped everyone, though tweaked. Those in ELUDARSWAP’s cast not included are swapped fates in the same way.
UnderMaster - Melody
Ralsei - Kris
Susie - Fell
KiwiKid - Sathnael
Spamton - Kiwi’s phone, idk
WorstOutcome!ELUDARNET: Basically the opposite of BestOutcome!ELU, with Horror of all people being the last survivor of the world.
Delta!ELUDARNET: An alternate timeline of Deltarune where every character is a user of Demi's Hideout, those with textbox sprites being the more active ones over the years, and the majority of those without textbox sprites being the less active users. Oh yeah, huge thanks to Ninjakiller for this idea.
The Light and Dark Worlds would be seperated by MAINS and ALTS; e.g. UnderMaster and UndarMester would together be one Lightner and one Darkner. These characters also still have the same personalities and relationship as on Demi's Hideout. So NO, Melody is not UM's mother. And NO, I'm not fucking shipping Clownfly and KiwiKid, because, like... what?
Cast of main characters includes:
Kris - UnderMaster
Asriel - WitchbrewOfficial (why not?)
Toriel - Sanstheskeleton96 (Melody)
Alphys - Temmie!
Noelle - Clownfly
Berdly - cooldude99
Susie - KiwiKid
Undyne - InkyNightmares
Sans - Demirramon
Sans’ brother - Kean, idk
Ralsei - ~TheWitchesBrew~
Lancer - table
King - SMG1_LOG
Jevil - RIOT
Queen - WitchbrewUnofficial
Spamton - smg1
NEO - smg1.5
PT!ELUDARNET - A timeline of Pizza Tower where all the characters are replaced by UT, DT, and mainly ELUDARNET characters. Major thanks to WitchbrewOfficial!
Cast so far:
Peppino - KiwiKid/smg1
Gustavo - UnderMaster
Brick - Brick
Pizza Granny - ChameleonLad
Pepperman - InkyNightmares
Vigilante - Jawbreaker (subject to change)
The Noise - Kitsu
Noisette - WitchbrewOfficial
Fake Peppino - smg1.5
Pizzaface - RIOT (subject to change)
Pizzahead - Horror!Sans (he’s a fucking joke so he’s Pizzahead)
The guy in the sound test - Demi or Kean
Developers(the dev sprites you can see if you’re fast enough) - Sans, Melody, cooldude, Fell, Demi, Kean, loop over.
OMOR!ELUDARNET - It was inevitable, but here it is. OMORI but the plot is tweaked and all the characters are ELUDARNET characters. I don’t really know what else to say about this besides that ?OM??HIN? here is known as IN???I??TY. The cast is, if you couldn’t tell, unfinished.
OMORI - Papytron(past ver.)
SUNNY - Papytron(present ver.)
MARI - Mailbox_Demons (Reece)
HERO - thepunsguy
KEL - cooldude
HECTOR - Kitsu
HECTOR JR - Kitbrew
BASIL - UnderMaster
HEADSPACE AUBREY - ThatOnePisshead (previously WitchbrewOfficial’s account)
FARAWAY AUBREY - WitchbrewOfficial
ARTIST (i forgor their name in the original game

) - InkyNightmares
KiwiKid will be included, but their role is yet to be thought of.
Golden might be included, but their role is also yet to be thought of.
?OM??HIN? - IN???I??TY
Empty slots:
UT!ELUDARNET - Simple enough, like Delta!ELUDARNET, UT but with ELUDARNET’s characters. Not all characters will be the same user as their Deltarune counterparts. And just like that timeline, the relationships and personalities of each character are not accurate to the character they’re replacing. So no Grey x Clownflu to see here. Well, except for one relationship that stays true here in this timeline, which you’ll see soon in the cast. Monsters are also regarded in this cast this time, meaning a lot more empty slots and a lot bigger cast. Suggestions are appreciated!
Frisk - Trinity
Chara - cooldude (subject to change)
Flowey - Mostly unchanged, has more of a W smile.
Toriel - Witchbrew (no, this is not an accidental misname.)
Froggit - ???
Whimsun - ???
Loox - ???
Vegatoid - ???
Migosip(is that how you spell that) - ???
(One of, like, three Hard Mode exclusive encounters?) - ???
(Second one.) - ???
(Aaaaand third one.) - ???
Annoying Dog - Demirramon
Sans - Spamton
Papyrus - KiwiKid
Ice Cap - ???
(the frost guy who makes puns that I forgor the name of) - ???
(the cooler frost guy) - ???
Lesser Dog - ???
Greater Dog - ???
Jerry - cooldude (for the sake of plot, this is the general cooldude. Chara is the RP cooldude.)
Monster Kid - ???
Undyne - Grey
Aaron - ???
Woshua - ???
Royal Guards - Unchanged.
Alphys - Clownflu (but not as evil)
Mettaton - Clownflu’s Mech™
Vulkin - ???
Tsunderplane - ???
Pyrope/Davis - Kean (subject to change)
So Sorry - ???
Muffet - ???
Final Froggit - ???
Whimsalot - ???
(that one eyed thing) - ???
Madjick - ???
Knight Knight - ???
Mettaton EX - Clownflu’s Mech™ (model exclusive to Clownfly Dating Sim)
Asgore - Kitsu
Asriel - Unsurprisingly enough, Kitbrew.
Undyne the Undying - ??? (currently still Grey, perhaps a different form of his?)
Mettaton NEO - Clownflu’s Mech 2000™
Sans (genocide judgment and fight) - UnderMaster