Profile of SMG1




This bio is still under construction! As you can see, it stretches beyond where it's supposed to. i'm trying to figure out how to fix this myself.

"My name? Joshua, maybe."
I donot know what or whhooooo I am.
Look both streets befor crossing the way.

Cool song I made

i also like to code things.
oh and animate, too.

im always up for an rp!

gender: male public disturbance<br />pronouns: bear

Like and subscribe(or don't)!

my ass itches.


  • UnderMaster

  • Kedamono_Wolf

  • wosh_ur_sul

  • Golden

  • cooldude99

  • Sanstheskeleton96

  • Mailbox_Demons

  • YourNightlyDesires¹³⁺

  • (need more)

I got rid of the Channels list to (hopefully) fix my page.

leave a comment down below!

(Copyright SpicyMemeGenerator1 Productions)
(Not yet a real copyright)

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