Here you can vote and discuss user-submitted issues and feature requests, and even create your own. 
Please make sure no one has made a post for something before submitting it yourself! 

Feature request: audio & video embeds/attachments?
@Cirawakalong - 2024-09-04 03:13:16 UTC - 5 comments
Feature request: Pronouns tag (discussion)
@Demi - 2024-11-28 14:45:28 UTC - 7 comments
Feature request: Feature request: HTML / CSS in Bio's
@markiplier - 2024-09-03 19:52:42 UTC - 13 comments
Feature request: Randomly Spinning Haru in the corner
@koslie - 2024-09-04 15:18:25 UTC - 0 comments
Feature request: different sized text, maybe?
@Gnatt Gnert! - 2024-08-26 15:26:49 UTC - 17 comments
Feature request: Private threads visible to more people?
@Still Alive - 2024-09-15 06:04:07 UTC - 3 comments
Feature request: notification noise
@Jolly DudeMan - 2024-09-03 20:37:27 UTC - 3 comments
Issue: Changing preferred email language doesn't work
@Rulfam - 2024-09-06 13:22:34 UTC - 4 comments
Feature request: Background color (for text)
@markiplier - 2024-10-06 05:46:14 UTC - 0 comments
Feature request: Text gitter
@_pipis - 2024-09-18 11:17:35 UTC - 1 comments